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La Lumiere Aesthetics

La Lumiere Aesthetics menyediakan perawatan estetika premium yang dilakukan oleh dokter spesialis dan profesional secara khusus untuk setiap kebutuhan pasien.

Klinik La Lumiere mempunyai misi untuk memberikan perawatan yang dirancang secara cermat dan khusus (personalized) dengan pelayanan terbaik kepada setiap pasien kami.

La Lumiere Aesthetics sudah memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 5 tahun dalam perawatan estetika.

dr. Aditya Herwandar,Sp.BP-RE

Dokter Spesialis Bedah Plastik

dr. Aditya Herwandar, Sp.BP-RE merupakan Dokter Bedah Plastik yang menamatkan pendidikan spesialis Bedah Plastik Rekonstruksi dan Estetik di Universitas Indonesia yang sudah berpengalaman sejak 2014.

Doctor Full Bio

dr. Aditya Herwandar,Sp.BP-RE

  • Expertise implant payudara, sedot lemak, tumy tuck, gynecomastia surgery

  • Mastering Injection in Plastic Surgery Perspective: Filler and Neurotoxins - The 25" Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons

  • SYMPOSIUM Updates on Management of Pediatric Craniofacial Problems,Semarang (2023)

dr. Kris Prasetya S, SP.AN

Dokter Spesialis Anestesi

dr. Kris Prasetya S, Sp.An merupakan Dokter Anestesi yang menamatkan pendidikan spesialis anestesi di Universitas Indonesia.

Doctor Full Bio

dr. Kris Prasetya S, SP.AN

  • ICU Without Wall: Critical care goes to Emergency Symposium, Jakarta (2023)

  • The Importance of Anticoagulant Management in Critical ill Patients by Perhimpunan dokter intensive care, Jakarta (2023)

  • Fluid Therapy in 2023: a Double-Edged Sword? by Indonesian Medical Association

  • Lung Protection Strategy in Operating Room Workshop, Jakarta (2023)

dr. Maggie Nathania,Sp.GK

Dokter Spesialis Gizi Klinik

dr. Maggie Nathania,Sp.GK merupakan Dokter Spesialis Gizi Klinik lulusan Universitas Indonesia.

Doctor Full Bio

dr. Maggie Nathania,Sp.GK

  • Obesity Metabolic Makeover by National Academy of Sports Medicine, USA (2023)

  • Better Nutrition, Better Life: The 22nd Annual Congress of KSPEN, Korea (2023)

  • Controlling Metabolic Pathways with Clinical Nutrition - Jakarta Annual Meeting on Clinical Nutrition 7th JAMCN, Jakarta (2023)

  • Management of Obesity 2023 - Fast and Safe Weight Loss, Jakarta (2023)

  • Advancing Indonesian Obesity Care(IGNITE) program by PERKENI, Jakarta (2023)

dr. Sarah Mentari

Dokter Estetika

dr. Sarah Mentari lulus dari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Methodist Indonesia.Memiliki pengalaman menjadi dokter atau tenaga medis di RSU Martha Friska Multatuli dari Juli 2016 hingga Agustus 2017 dan Rumah Sakit Siloam dari Agustus 2017 hingga November 2018. Kemudian sampai saat ini bekerja sebagai Dokter Estetika di La Lumiere Aesthetics.

Doctor Full Bio

dr. Sarah Mentari

  • Growth Factor Training and Micro Needling Procedure, AQ Skin Solutions Inc. Jakarta

  • Advanced Dermapen Masterclass by Dr. Andrew R. Christie, PhD , Dermapenworld. Jakarta

  • Medical Cosmetology Course, Lembaga Estetika Medik. Jakarta

  • Coolsculpting®Ed, an Allergan Medical Institute® Centre of Excellence Course. Bangkok, Thailand

  • Thermage® FLX Clinical Training. Jakarta

  • Chin, Nasolabial and Tear Trough Injection Techniques. Jakarta

  • The Minerva Training Program By Attending The Following Courses:CHEEK & Nose. Jakarta

  • Vulvovaginal Aging : The Impacts. Jakarta

  • Certification of Training Optimal Application of Emsculpt Neo

  • Certification of Training Optimal Application of Emsculpt Neo EDGE

dr. Anastasia Saragih

Dokter Estetika

dr. Anastasia Saragih lulus dari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Methodist Indonesia. Memiliki pengalaman menjadi dokter Umum Intern di RSUD Muhammad Sani dan dokter Praktek Umum di Puskesmas Tanjung Balai Karimun, Kepulauan Riau dari Mei 2018 hingga Mei 2019. Kemudian sampai saat ini bekerja sebagai Dokter Estetika di La Lumiere Aesthetics.

Doctor Full Bio

dr. Anastasia Saragih

  • Thermage® FLX Clinical Training. Jakarta

  • Vulvovaginal Aging : The Impacts. Jakarta

  • Chin, Nasolabial and Tear Trough Injection Techniques. Jakarta

  • Ultherapy Phave V, and Educational Initiative Supported by Merz Aesthetics

  • Certification of Training Optimal Application of Emsculpt Neo

  • Certification of Training Optimal Application of Emsculpt Neo EDGE

  • The Minerva Training Program By Attending The Following Courses:CHEEK & Nose. Jakarta

Aging is inevitable, but you can restore a youthful appearance

Tighten skin naturally

Skin problems disappear and you look more beautiful

Improves face contour

Get the natural facial contouring treatment you want

Permanent fat loss

Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for eliminating stubborn body fat in certain areas

Restore youthful looks

Quickly repair any cell weakness and damage, clearing the skin to recall its youthful glow

Requires no downtime

You can return to your normal activities straight after having the treatment

Professional doctors and specialists

Our training, expertise and know-how help us achieve the best outcome for you

We can make your dreams come true

Let's start your journey of transformation.

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