Anti Ageing

by La Lumiere Aesthetics

Anti Ageing

Mengencangkan kulit wajah akibat penuaan, kulit kembali kencang, non-invasive dan tidak memerlukan waktu pemulihan.


Merangsang produksi kolagen dan elastin dengan menggunakan teknologi Microfocused Ultrasound with Visualisation (MFU-V)


Teknologi Monopolar Radio frequency (RF) dan Accure REP yang mampu menstimulasi kolagen pada lapisan terdalam kulit


Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), Laser Diode, Masker Kolagen, Serum dan Anti-Aging untuk mengurangi pembentukan jerawat

Apakah saya kandidat?
  • Jika Anda memiliki kerutan,Pori - pori besar, Rosacea, Melasma dan Kemerahan pada wajah.
  • Jika Anda memiliki bekas luka pada wajah.
  • Jika Anda ingin mencegah penuaan dini.

Aging is inevitable, but you can restore a youthful appearance

Tighten skin naturally

Skin problems disappear and you look more beautiful

Improves face contour

Get the natural facial contouring treatment you want

Permanent fat loss

Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for eliminating stubborn body fat in certain areas

Restore youthful looks

Quickly repair any cell weakness and damage, clearing the skin to recall its youthful glow

Requires no downtime

You can return to your normal activities straight after having the treatment

Professional doctors and specialists

Our training, expertise and know-how help us achieve the best outcome for you

We can make your dreams come true

Let's start your journey of transformation.

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